* "White Coasts" (2011)
* "The Smell of Bliss" (2014)
* "The Sound of Silence" (2017)
* "Tähtien tanssi" (2019)
* "The Lost Memories of the Elephant Queen" (2009)
* "Esi-isien salaiset laulut" (2012)
* "The Whispering Leaves of the Whispering Tree" (2015)
* "Sinisen valtameren tanssivat aallot" (2018)
* "The Adventures of Simba the Lion Cub" (2012)
* "The Adventures of Nala the Lioness Cub" (2013)
* "The Adventures of Timon the Meerkat" (2014)
* "The Adventures of Pumba the Warthog" (2015)
* "The Voices of the Silence" (2007)
* "Valon varjot" (2010)
* "The Colors of the Rain" (2013)
* "The Echoes of the Wind" (2016)