* Z:n avain (1991)
* The Time of the Fireflies (1993)
* The Call of the Raven (1994)
* The Journey of the Fox (1995)
* Tuulen joki (1997)
* The Mountain of the Eagles (1998)
* The Valley of the Wolves (1999)
* Karhujen metsä (2000)
* Delfiinien meri (2001)
* The Sky of the Eagles (2002)
* "The Last of the Mohicans" (1992)
* "The Call of the Wild" (1993)
* "Viidakkokirja" (1994)
* "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1995)
* "Treasure Island" (1996)
* "Kidnapped" (1997)
* "Moby-Dick" (1998)
* "The Odyssey" (1999)
* "Ilias" (2000)
* "The Canterbury Tales" (2001)
* "The Waste Land" (1992)
* "The Divine Comedy" (1993)
* "Paradise Lost" (1994)
* "Prelude" (1995)
* "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (1996)
* "Oodi satakielille" (1997)
* "Tyger" (1998)
* "The Raven" (1999)
* "Annabel Lee" (2000)
* "To his Coy Mistress" (2001)
* "Hamlet" (1992)
* "Romeo ja Julia" (1993)
* "Othello" (1994)
* "King Lear" (1995)
* "Macbeth" (1996)
* "Kahdestoista yö" (1997)
* "Kesäyön unelma" (1998)
* "Myrsky" (1999)
* "Venetsialainen kauppias" (2000)
* "As You Like It" (2001)
* "The Nature of Consciousness" (1992)
* "Elämän tarkoitus" (1993)
* "The Future of Humanity" (1994)
* "Rakkauden voima" (1995)
* "Koulutuksen merkitys" (1996)
* "Taiteiden rooli yhteiskunnassa" (1997)
* "Teknologian etiikka" (1998)
* "Ilmastonmuutoksen haaste" (1999)
* "Global Economy" (2000)
* "Demokratian tulevaisuus" (2001)