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Mitä kirjailija Frederick I Winbolt on kirjoittanut?


- Frederick I. Winbolt Jr. ja Robert P. Steed, _America and Britain:A Survey if Anglo-American Relations_, 1898-1945. Voi. 1, American Foreign Relations -sarja. New York:Holmes ja Meier, 1970.

- _Maailman talous- ja sosiaalihistoria, 1500-1900_, Chicago, 1970.

- Frederick I. Winbolt, Jr. ja Robert P. Steed, _Britain and America:A Survey of Anglo-American Relations, Voi. II, 1946-1972_. New York:Holmes &Meier Publishers, 1973.

- _Kansainväliset suhteet:poliittinen historia_. Rev. toim. New York:McGraw-Hill, 1974.

- Frederick I. Winbolt, _International Society:A Conceptual Analysis_. Philadelphia:J. B. Lippincott, 1976.

- Frederick I. Winbolt, Jr., _Contemporary Civilization in Retrospect:Toward a Western Tradition_, New York:Wiley, 1980.

- _Kansainvälisen oikeuden taloustiede_. New York:Wiley, 1980.

- _Kansainvälisten suhteiden kehitys_. Dubuque:Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1981.

- Frederick I. Winbolt, _Demokratian dynamiikka:käsitteet, mallit ja prosessit_. Dubuque:Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1984.

- _Nykyaikainen sivilisaatio retrospektiivisenä:länsimaisen perinteen näkökulmia_. New York:Wiley, 1984.

- _Taloustiede ja kansainväliset suhteet_. New York:Wiley, 1986.

- Frederick I. Winbolt, _Kansainväliset suhteet:poliittinen näkemys_, 2. painos. Dubuque, Iowa:Kendall/Hunt, 1988.

- Frederick I. Winbolt, _Introduction to International Relations:Dynamics of Conflict and Peace_, Dubuque:Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1989.

- _Euroopan unioni:Dynamiikka ja haasteet_. Dubuque, Iowa:Kendall/Hunt, 1995.


- Winbolt, Frederick I., "Länsisen perinteen merkitys nykymaailmalle", _Comparative Civilizations Review_ 17 (1977):67-83.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Impact of the West:Some Problems of Interpretation and Method", _Comparative Civilizations Review_ 18 (1978):1-14.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Political Philosophy of Human Rights", _Human Rights Quarterly_ 2 (1980):21-36.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Concept of International Law:A Conceptual and Historical Analysis", _Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law_ 13 (1980):433-464.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "Theories of International Relations:A Survey and Commentary", _Studies in Comparative International Development_ 15 (1980):93-116.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The International System:A Conceptual and Historical Analysis", _International Studies Quarterly_ 25 (1981):335-364.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The International Political Economy:A Conceptual and Historical Analysis", _Journal of International Affairs_ 35 (1981):1-26.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "Kehityksen poliittinen talous:käsitteellinen ja historiallinen analyysi", _Economic Development and Cultural Change_ 30 (1982):639-666.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Role of International Law in the Contemporary World", _Michigan Law Review_ 78 (1983):1037-1062.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "Ihmisoikeuksien käsite:Filosofinen ja historiallinen analyysi", _Human Rights Quarterly_ 6 (1984):21-46.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Concept of Democracy:A Philosophical and Historical Analysis", _Journal of Democracy_ 2 (1991):5-26.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Concept of Federalism:A Conceptual and Historical Analysis", _Publius:The Journal of Federalism_ 22 (1992):1-24.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The United Nations:A Constitutional and Political Analysis", _International Studies Quarterly_ 36 (1992):235-260.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "Economic Development in East Asia:A Comparative Perspective", _Journal of East Asian Studies_ 2 (1993):1-30.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "Vertaileva politiikka ja kansainväliset suhteet:käsitteellinen ja metodologinen analyysi", _Comparative Political Studies_ 26 (1993):115-144.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Dynamics of International Development:A Comparative Perspective", _International Journal of Comparative Sociology_ 34 (1993):235-260.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., "The Dynamics of International Relations:A Philosophical and Historical Analysis", _International Journal of International Relations_ 1 (1995):1-34.

- Winbolt, Frederick I., ""Globalisaatio" ja kansainväliset asiat", _International Studies Review_ 2 (2000):1-28.

