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Mitä kirjailija B Clay Cartmell on kirjoittanut?

B Clay Cartmell on kirjoittanut:

- The Complete Doctor Who:A Celebration - Virallinen opas Doctor Whon 60-vuotisjuhlille (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:The Vault (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:The Inside Story (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:Täydellinen historia (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:Encylopedia (Carlton Books)

- Doctor Who:Visual Dictionary (Dorling Kindersley)

- Doctor Who:The Ultimate Guide (Thomas Dunne Books)

- Doctor Who:The Classic Series (BBC Books)

- The Science of Doctor Who (BBC Books)

- The Who's Who of Doctor Who (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:Tietosanakirja (Pan Macmillan)

- Doctor Who:The Watcher (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:The Day of the Doctor (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:Tohtorin nimi (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:The Time of the Doctor (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:The Husbands of River Song (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:Tohtori Mysterion paluu (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:The Pilot (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:Twice Upon a Time (BBC Books)

- The Target Book of Doctor Who (BBC Books)

- Doctor Who:Chronicles (BBC Books)

