* Krokotiilijumalan kirous (2005)
* The Scarlet Scorpion (2006)
* The Emerald Elephant (2007)
* Rubiinipantteri (2008)
* Sapphire Cobra (2009)
* Topaz Dragon (2010)
* Ametistitiikeri (2011)
* Onyx Horse (2012)
* The Diamond Jaguar (2013)
* The Pearl Falcon (2014)
* The Emerald Queen (2015)
* Lopullinen matkaopas Meksikoon (2002)
* The Yucatan:A Cultural and Historical Guide (2004)
* Cancun &the Riviera Maya:Kulttuuri- ja historiaopas (2006)
Essejä ja artikkeleita
* "The History of the Mayan Calendar" (2012)
* "The Art of the Mayan Codex" (2013)
* "The Secrets of the Mayan Underworld" (2014)
* "The Mayan Prophecy and 2012" (2015)
* "The History of the Atstecs" (2016)
* "The Art of the Aztec Codex" (2017)
* "The Secrets of the Aztec Underworld" (2018)
* "Azteekkien profetia ja 2012" (2019)