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Mitkä ovat tunnetuimpia rock-kappaleita?

Tässä on joitain tunnetuimmista rock-kappaleista:

1. Led Zeppelinin "Stairway to Heaven".

2. Queenin "Bohemian Rhapsody".

3. The Rolling Stonesin "Tyytyväisyys".

4. Guns N' Rosesin "Sweet Child o' Mine".

5. Bruce Springsteenin "Born to Run".

6. Queenin "We Will Rock You".

7. Deep Purplen "Smoke on the Water".

8. Queenin "Another One Bites the Dust".

9. The Beatlesin "Hey Jude".

10. The Eaglesin "Hotel California".

11. The Rolling Stonesin "I Can't Get No Satisfaction".

12. Led Zeppelinin "Whole Lotta Love".

13. Black Sabbathin "Paranoid".

14. Steppenwolfin "Born to be Wild".

15. The Rolling Stonesin "Gimme Shelter".

16. Led Zeppelinin "Kashmir".

17. Deep Purplen "Child in Time".

18. The Jimi Hendrix Experiencen "Purple Haze".

19. "Free Bird", Lynyrd Skynyrd

20. AC/DC:n "Thunderstruck".

Bandit & Artistit
