* Shocking Bluen "Venus".
* Helen Reddyn "I Am Woman".
* Looking Glassin "Brandy (Olet hieno tyttö)".
* Raspberriesin "Go All the Way".
* Don McLeanin "American Pie".
* Janis Joplinin "Minä ja Bobby McGee".
* John Lennonin "Imagine".
* Sweetin "Ballroom Blitz".
* Carole Kingin "On liian myöhäistä".
* George Harrisonin "My Sweet Lord".
* Steve Miller Bandin "The Joker".
* The Rolling Stonesin "Brown Sugar".
* The Rolling Stonesin "Wild Horses".
* Elton Johnin "Tiny Dancer".
* Carly Simonin "You're So Vain".
* Stevie Wonderin "Taikausko".
* The Temptationsin "Papa Was a Rollin' Stone".
* Johnny Nashin "I Can See Clearly Now".
* Bill Withersin "Lean on Me".