* "The Distance" tekijältä Cake
* The Black Eyed Peasin "I Gotta Feeling"
* Journeyn "Don't Stop Believin'"
* Bastillen "Pompeii"
* Gloria Gaynorin "I Will Survive"
* "Juhlat Yhdysvalloissa." kirjoittanut Miley Cyrus
* Smash Mouthin "All-Star"
* Green Dayn "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)"
* C-vitamiinin "Graduation (Friends Forever)"
* Queenin "We Are the Champions"
* Kelly Clarksonin "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
* The Beatlesin "Here Comes the Sun"
* OneRepublicin "I Lived"
* Rod Stewartin "Forever Young"
* U2:n "Beautiful Day"
* Louis Armstrongin "What a Wonderful World"
* Justin Timberlaken "Can't Stop the Feeling"