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Mitkä muut kappaleet tai artistit olisivat hyvin samanlaisia ​​kuin Allman Brothers Bandin kappale Tied Whipping Post?

- "Statesboro Blues" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Ramblin' Man" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Whipping Post" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Soulshine" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Olen hyvä mies" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Myrskyinen maanantai" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Come and Go Blues" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Älä ihmettele" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Midnight Rider" The Allman Brothers Band

- "Melissa" The Allman Brothers Band

muu musiikki
