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Mitä kirjailija Thomas Holmes Blakesley on kirjoittanut?


* The Cry of a Gryphon (1989)

* The Doors of Sleep (1990)

* Whispers of Immortality (1991)

* Kaupunki meren rannalla (1992)

* Mahdollisuuden kivi (1993)

* The Blood of the Goddess (1994)

* Vuoren varjo (1995)

* The Last Dance of the Dragons (1996)

* The Web of the Spider (1997)

* The Veils of Time (1998)


* The Elements of Fiction Writing (1992)

* The Art of Fiction Writing (1994)

* The Business of Fiction Writing (1996)

* The Pleasures of Reading (1998)

* Fantasiakirja (2000)

* Kirjailijan opas fantasiaan (2002)

* Tieteiskirjailijan opas (2004)

* The Writer's Guide to Horror (2006)

* The Writer's Guide to Mystery (2008)

* The Writer's Guide to Romance (2010)


* "The Cry of the Gryphon" (1989)

* "The Doors of Sleep" (1990)

* "Kuolemattomuuden kuiskaukset" (1991)

* "Kaupunki meren rannalla" (1992)

* "The Stone of Chance" (1993)

* "The Blood of the Goddess" (1994)

* "The Shadow of the Mountain" (1995)

* "The Last Dance of the Dragons" (1996)

* "The Web of the Spider" (1997)

* "The Veils of Time" (1998)

Esseet ja artikkelit:

* "The Elements of Fiction Writing" (1992)

* "The Art of Fiction Writing" (1994)

* "The Business of Fiction Writing" (1996)

* "Lukemisen ilot" (1998)

* "The Book of Fantasy" (2000)

* "Writer's Guide to Fantasy" (2002)

* "Scifikirjailijan opas" (2004)

* "The Writer's Guide to Horror" (2006)

* "The Writer's Guide to Mystery" (2008)

* "The Writer's Guide to Romance" (2010)

