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Onko olemassa laulua nimeltä look you in eyes?

On olemassa useita kappaleita, joiden otsikko on "Look You in the Eyes". Tässä on muutamia esimerkkejä:

- Bryan Adamsin "Look You in the Eyes" albumilta "So Far So Good" (1993).

- Kenny Chesneyn "Look You in the Eyes" albumilta "When the Sun Goes Down" (2004).

- Phil Vassarin "Look You in the Eyes" albumilta "American Child" (2002).

- Michael Boltonin "Look You in the Eyes" albumilta "Timeless:The Classics, Vol. 2" (2019).

- The Seekersin "Look You in the Eyes" albumilta "The Seekers" (1963).

- The Moody Bluesin "Look You in the Eyes" albumilta "Seventh Sojourn" (1972).

- The Marshall Tucker Bandin "Look You in the Eyes" albumilta "Long Hard Ride" (1976).

