* The Recollectionist (2001)
* Kynnys (2003)
* Rays (2004)
* Kirjasto Mount Charissa (2015)
* A Darkling Sea (2018)
* Dead Hollow (2021)
* "Minotauros" (2011)
* "Punainen puu" (2012)
* "Kolmestoista tunti" (2013)
* "The Butcher's Table" (2002)
* "Sukupuu" (2003)
* "The House on the Hill" (2003)
* "The Last Story" (2003)
* "Man in the Moon" (2004)
* "Huone" (2004)
* "The Tree" (2004)
* "The Wall" (2004)
* "Ikkuna" (2004)
* "The Woman in the Well" (2004)
* "Kaupunki" (2005)
* "The Country" (2005)
* "The Dead" (2005)
* "The Forest" (2005)
* "The Grave" (2005)
* "The Mountain" (2005)
* "The Ocean" (2005)
* "The River" (2005)
* "Meri" (2005)
* "The Sky" (2005)
* "Tähdet" (2005)
* "Aurinko" (2005)
* "The Village" (2005)
* "Tuuli" (2005)
* "Maailma" (2005)
* "Alku" (2006)
* "The End" (2006)
* "The In Between" (2006)
* "The One" (2006)
* "The Other" (2006)
* "The Self" (2006)
* "The Soul" (2006)
* "The Spirit" (2006)
* "The Truth" (2006)
* "The Lie" (2006)
* "The Good" (2007)
* "The Bad" (2007)
* "The Ruma" (2007)
* "The Beautiful" (2007)
* "The Grotesque" (2007)
* "The Sublime" (2007)
* "The Transcendent" (2007)
* "The Profound" (2007)
* "The Shallow" (2007)
* "The Deep" (2007)
* "The High" (2008)
* "The Low" (2008)
* "The Wide" (2008)
* "Kapea" (2008)
* "The Long" (2008)
* "The Short" (2008)
* "Vanha" (2008)
* "The Young" (2008)
* "The Dead" (2008)
* "Elossa" (2008)
* "The Past" (2009)
* "Tämänhetkinen" (2009)
* "Tulevaisuus" (2009)
* "Todellinen" (2009)
* "The Unreal" (2009)
* "Mahdollista" (2009)
* "Mahdoton" (2009)
* "Todennäköinen" (2010)
* "The Impprobable" (2010)
* "The Certain" (2010)
* "The Uncertain" (2010)
* "The Known" (2010)
* "The Unknown" (2010)
* "The Seen" (2011)
* "The Unseen" (2011)
* "The Heard" (2011)
* "The Unheard" (2011)
* "The Felt" (2012)
* "The Unfelt" (2012)
* "The Tasted" (2012)
* "Maistamaton" (2012)
* "The Smelled" (2012)
* "The Unsmelled" (2012)
* "The Thought" (2013)
* "The Unthought" (2013)
* "The Dreamed" (2013)
* "The Unleamed" (2013)
* "Toivottu" (2014)
* "The Unhoped" (2014)
* "The Feared" (2014)
* "The Unfeared" (2014)
* "The Loved" (2015)
* "The Unloved" (2015)
* "The Hated" (2015)
* "The Unhated" (2015)
* "The Forgiven" (2016)
* "The Unforgiven" (2016)
* "The Remembered" (2016)
* "The Forgotten" (2016)
* "The Imagined" (2017)
* "The Unimagined" (2017)
* "The Believed" (2017)
* "The Unbelieved" (2017)
* "Toivottu" (2018)
* "The Unwished" (2018)
* "The Dreamed" (2018)
* "Unelmattomia" (2018)
* "Elänyt" (2019)
* "The Unlived" (2019)
* "The Died" (2019)
* "The Undied" (2019)
* "The Begun" (2020)
* "The Unbegun" (2020)
* "The Ended" (2020)
* "The Unended" (2020)
* "The Cycled" (2021)
* "The Uncycled" (2021)
* "The Continued" (2021)
* "The Discontinued" (2021)